

Falconry related courses and training can be found on my other webpage. All courses can be held in German, English or French. Here the address: www.falknerei.blogspot.com


For Sale

This immature dark female Peales x Gyr-Saker from 2010 is for sale. Her father is my Pealestiercel "Joeson", her mother a Gyr x Saker female. Her weight when taken out of the pen was 1250 grams. She nearly looks like a female Peales peregrine.

For Sale

This immature female gyr x peregrine from 2010 is for sale. Her father is a dark grey jerkin bred by Bob Creese out of an Iceland mother and a black jerkin. The mother is one of my self-bred peregrine females. This hybrid seems to become quite dark on the back. Some small feathers on the back are already moulted.



Here two photos of one of my favorite peregrines. I think the pictures explain very well why I named her "Bigfoot"!

Immature Red-naped Shaheens from 2009

Some photos of my self-bred RNS. My birds are usually very pale with few markings. One female did not even have markings on the trousers. Note the relatively huge feet!

Red-naped Shaheen x Aplomado Tiercel

Here an update on my RNS x Aplomado hybrids. The photos show some tiercels in immature plumage.

Imprinted Female Peales x Calidus from 2010

Shown on these photos is "Zilli", my female peales x calidus. I think this cross of falcons has the biggest feet. Zilli has a very easy-going nature and started courtshipping before she was hard-penned. The photo proves it.

For Sale: Iceland gyr x aplomado tiercel

These photos show the first of my two Iceland gyr x aplomado tiercels I bred in 2010. I sold one and I fly the other one. His flying weight is around 500 grams. He has a very amazing flight style. He can change the speed within milliseconds. He approches his target slowly and suddenly a burst of speed and a grab of his long legs and the chase is over. During flight he can flip on his back with the tail in the direction of the flight and grab targets above him. He can do the same thing from a standing position, i.e jumping into the air, flipping on his back and grabing things up to one metre above the ground. I hope that I can breed a female soon for the bigger stuff like crows.

"Krafi", Joe´s granddaughter

Here sits "Krafi", a granddaughter of my famous pealestiercel "Joe" bred by Joe Taggart. Her father is the pealestiercel "Joeson" and her mother a peregrine out of the well-known crowhunting line of Jürgen Schuster and Kurt Fessler. What is amazing with this medium-sized peregrine (hunting weight about 900 grams)is the fact that she has two pure white feathers exactly at the same place as her grand-father "Joe". In Joe´s adult plumage they are more difficult to see but after some searching it should be possible to find them. A photo of Joe can be seen in the peales section.

Pealestiercel "Joe"

These photos show "Joe", the first and best peales tiercel I ever imported from North America. He is the founder of my peales line. Nearly all my peales and peales crosses are related to him. He was bred by Joe Taggart out of a tiercel of his famous "A-Pair" and a female Aleutian peales he got from Fidel de la Torre. He was born in 1991, I got him in Spring 1995 and he lived till 2008 in my breeding facility. On one photo you can see "Joe" together with his breeder Joe Taggart. This photo will give you an idea about his size.
His son "Joeson", bred in 2001, is still the main stud bird of my facility.


The falcon on the photos is "Nelly", my female peales x gyr-saker tribrid I bred in 2009. On this photo it is quite evident that her grand-father was 50% Aleutian peales. The heavy markings come from him. Her flying weight is between 1080 and 1200 grams.

Peales peregrines

These pics show a tiercel and a female peales peregrine I bred in 2009.