

The female peregrine shown on this photo is "Bonnie", a daughter of my peales tiercel "Joeson" and a huge female Scottish peregrine. "Bonnie" is an imprint bred by me in 2005. Last year she surprised me with 6 eggs at the age of two years! I am not used that such big peregrines lay before their third or fourth year! Unfortunately she did not stand to copulation and I did not want to catch and force her. This year she is very hostile, too. Somewhere I made a mistake in imprinting this bird. She is nasty and I have already plenty of scars from her.
I flew "Bonnie" in 2005. The weight of her first free flight was exactly 1000 grams. I flew her up to 1170 grams. Now in the pen she weighs 1250 during summer and 1350 to 1400 grams in December and January. She is some kind of monster peregrine. Shoulder to tail: 39,5 cm ; Breast: 42,5 cm. She is a really broad shouldered and stocky bird. I can only hope that she will accept copulation in the near future!


The immature bird shown on this photo is "Leandra", a peales x dark Austrian peregrine cross. In 2007 I sold some peales peregrine semen to an Austrian falconer who bred this female. After the hunting season he had not enough place to keep her and therefore I bought her. He told me that he flew her at about 950 grams. Before I placed her in the pen for the moult she already weighed 1150 grams.
I really like her dark colour and her blue feet. Her father, "Joe", was a tiercel I bought and imported in 1994 from Joe Taggert, Idaho, USA. At that time the tiercel was 3 years old and had still blue feet when he arrived! He died in the autumn of 2007 two months before I bought back his daughter. In my breeding stock I have plenty of youngs and grandchildren from "Joe". His son "Joeson", a pure peales, too, is now my main stud bird. For more details of "Joe" go to the "peales" section.

White Saheen Tiercel

Just found another photo of my tiercel white shaheen. This evening I candled the eggs from this years first clutch and found out that all three eggs are fertile! As the 2007 tiercel on the photo, "Caramel", was my first bird out of this line, I wonder how this years´birds will look like, especially the females. I absolutely want to fly one this year.

Peales x Gyr-Saker Tiercel "Trib"

A photo of my peales x gyr-saker tiercel I bred in 2006. My first specimen of this line. Looked like a female prairie falcon in immature plumage. I flew him from summer 2006 to mid February 2008. Therefore he did not moult completely. I took him out of the chamber with 870 grams, started to fly him at 740 and now his flying weight is around 850 to 870 grams. He was reared by a couple of peregrines. In spring and summer he often soared out of sight but immediately came down in a full stoop when I threw him the lure. The longest stoop I measured was 27 seconds! At approx. 55 meters per second in a vertical stoop this makes a height of about 1600 meters ( 55 x 27 plus about 100 meters to pull out of the stoop).

The youngs from 2007 (2 tiercels and 3 females) looked much more like peregrines in immature plumage. The females went to Arabia, one tiercel to Italy and one tiercel stayed in Austria. From the last tiercel I heared that he became a very high flying waiting-on bird as well. I breed some of these tribreds every year.

Red-naped Shaheen

Here some photos of my imprinted tiercel red-naped shaheen from 2006. He gives good semen that I use to inseminate different peregrine females. Especially the red-naped shaheen x Austrian peregrine are small but beautiful hunting falcons.


White Shaheen

Just wantet to show you a photo of my so-called white shaheen line. I started to select the parents for this breeding project in 1994 and it took me 13 years to breed the first tiercel that is up to my expectations. On the photo the very pale colour, esp. of the head, can be seen as well as the broad wings that make this tiercel uncredibly fast.I took him out of the breeding pen with 500 gr and started to fly him with 420 gr. At the end of the season I flew him with 520 gr.